Friday, July 30, 2010

A BIG Month For A little Girl!

WOW, this has been such a month of milestones. Chloe is growing up too fast! When people would say enjoy every minute because they grow up fast, I would just think ok ya right! But it is so true, she will be going off to collage before we know it!

At 3 months Chloe weighed 12 lbs. 8 oz., which brings us to our first milestone. Just this past week I have had to box up all her 0-3 month old clothing and bring out the 3-6 month old clothing. I know its kinda corny, but putting away all her first little outfits was actually kind of sad. There are some fun memories in those little tiny outfits, but I am so happy that we took lots of Pictures!

The next milestone Chloe had this past month was not a fun one, she caught her first cold! The poor little girl was so stuffed up one night that she would fall asleep for about 10 minutes and the wake herself up because she couldn't breath all that well. I took her to the doctors the next morning and had her Oxygen Level and Lungs checked out. He said that she had a cold but because her Oxygen Level was great and her lungs sounded clear that she would be able to get through it as long as I keep sucking out the snot with the bulb syringe! Such a relief!!!! Other than the fact that it was a little scary that first night and Mom got the cold a day after Chloe, she was such a good baby to take care of when she didn't feel good! I was expecting a crying mess, but she was an Angel! (Sidenote: Dad did not get the cold which was a good thing but a little unfair!)
Here is a pic of Mom and Chloe getting ready to go to church! Sorry mom didn't have any make up on yet ;)

Another Milestone Chloe decided to try this month was Standing while supported! It is so funny to watch such a little girl try so hard to stand like all the big people around her! And then she even went a step further, literally! She loves to pick up one foot, move it forward and then pick up the other foot and move it forward! I showed Dr. Templeman at our appointment and he laughed and said, "Well most babies don't start the walking reflex this early but if you want a walker in a few months keep encouraging that!" (If you don't believe me See Video Below...PS Im sorry its sideways, Im working on fixing that!)

While we were at the Dr. appointment I told him that she watches every single bite we take at every single meal we eat! And she is loving sitting in her high chair! He gave us the GO to start real food!!! This is the part I have been so Excited to start, I can't even tell you how happy I was to hear, START REAL FOOD! Well to tell the truth we had been eating some tasty Rice Cereal at night for the past week, but I told Templeman that and he was super happy that I was watching for cues and not just waiting till the 4 month mark to start the rice cereal. She loves it and loves to eat off a spoon even more! Its really crazy, its like she had been eating off a spoon her whole life!
Chloe's real first meal was some tasty sweet Potatoes. She loved them and was a little upset when they were all gone and she had to finish her formula! Her second food that we tried 5 days later was some Tasty Avocado! She is such a little Ham and loves food, just like her Daddy!
Another kinda creepy thing that my super baby does is drink out of a cup... NO JOKE! I decided to try it because when ever I am drinking she likes to smack my cup because she thinks she needs some! Well I put it up to her little mouth and she had her first big swallow out of a cup! She didn't even spit it out! My mom was sitting next to me when I did this and said... "Gosh Emily, At the Rate she is going I will sign her up for Collage next week!"

We are so blessed to have such a good baby! I am pretty sure someone was watching out for me knowing that I couldn't do this whole parenting thing unless the baby was a good baby! And she is such a Great baby! I don't mean to brag but I just feel so blessed to have such a sweetheart!
One more Pic, This is how I found her the other day when we got home from running errands. That is Shelly The Sea Horse and it is her new favorite toy! She falls asleep with it in her hand all the time!


Parish & Becca said...

Wow! You really do have a super baby! She is so cute, I just can't stand it!! And that walking video, that is CRAZY! I'm so glad you are loving being a mom, it can be stressful sometimes, but these first few months are the best! Keep up the good work, you inspire me :)

Suzi Q said...

she is a doll!! i totally just packed up kaci's clothes! it is kinda sad! i can't believe how quickly they grow up!

Tawny said...

she is just beautiful!! They all do just grow and change all the time, it's nuts, but really, they just get funner. So that's nice. :)