Last Saturday Josh and I woke up about 8 and realized it was the first Saturday probably since we have been married where we didn't have anything planned or scheduled for us to do! We were so happy and couldn't wait to find fun things to do!
First thing we did was drive on the Legacy Highway... I know kinda weird but our original plan was to walk on the parkway that is right next to it but decided not to because it was extremely windy~ It was still fun to see and cool that we could drive all the way to Lagoon in half the time :) You should Check it out....
We were a little sad because we had planned to take a walk but instead we came up with something even more fun and exciting! Are you ready... We went to the Tracy Aviary! Yep that is the place with all the birds. Josh and I have been talking about doing that for too long so we finally made it happen :) We love birds and all the amazing facts that you can learn about them! In the second Pic that Big Pelican wanted to bite Josh so bad... He He He~ Also the colors in the last pic are just crazy!!! I think I am starting to look at that more because of where I work but really take a look for yourself, it looks like we altered the pic and I promise we didn't!
After we were done looking at all the "pretty birds" we went out to dinner with my mom and aunt to this new Italian restaurant! I highly recommend it! Its called Fratelli Ristorante Yum Yum Yum is all I have to say!

We were still determined to go on walk, so we had this brilliant I idea to go up to the mountains and walk in the rain... Well it was a great idea until we got up there an realized that Josh has left his Sweatshirt at home, and he was wearing shorts. We did try but.... well you will see!
Josh looks sad and I look like a total dork, but at least the 4 Runner looks tuff :) It was such a fun day and helped us to remember what it was like to have no cares in the world for just one day!
how much fun you should try and get all of that time together in when you can because after having kids you get no more free days agter that but it is for sure worth it!!!!
I need a day like that! How fun!!
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