Thursday, April 15, 2010

Starting Life

On April 9th 2010, at 6:12 am, Josh and I welcomed our little Angel - Chloe Emily Mills! She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 inches long.
My Pressure Waves (contractions) started April 8th at about 6pm while I was making dinner and Josh was outside mowing the lawn. As the night progressed they started to get a little more closer together and a were lasting about 40 seconds long. So we decided to try and get some sleep, because that is what we were taught to do in our Hypnobabies class. Well I didn't sleep much and at about 12:30 am the Pressure Waves were lasting a little over a minute long and were 4-6 minutes apart; that meant it was time to go to the hospital :)
We arrived at the hospital at 1:30 am, I was dilated to a 5 and was continuing to have my Pressure Waves very steady. At 3:30 am my water broke all on its own and I was dilated to a 7. Just one hour later we were at a +2 and ready to push. Pushing was very exhausting, one of the best workouts I have ever had, but since I hadn't been able to workout for the past 2 weeks I welcomed the workout!
Josh was an amazing Birth Partner, I couldn't have done it without him. He is really is the most supportive and amazing husband. I am so blessed to have him and Chloe is so blessed to have him as her dad! Hypnobabies wouldn't have been so successful if I didn't have the support and love from my man!
Just two very short hours later Chloe was out and ready to take on the world. She latched on to me within minutes of coming out into the world and seemed to know exactly who I was and even recognized Josh's voice. Every Nurse we were able to get help from in the hospital commented on what an Alert baby we have.
If you didn't know when you deliver natural you have to wait for the placenta to come out on its own, it usually takes about an hour; its like you are giving birth again only to something much smaller. Well my doctor did not want to wait and after about 15 minutes of waiting yanked it out causing a few complications... After I had been cleaned up and waiting for the nurses to give me back my baby I began to black out, I knew something wasn't right. I told Josh he needed to get a nurse because something wasn't right. When the nurse came in my Blood Pressure was 60/35 (which is Way Too Low) and I was bleeding out from the inside because I had not been given the opportunity to push my placenta out naturally. To make a long and scary story short, it took two more hours to get the blood to stop pouring out of me. We were told that if we had waited just 5 more minutes before getting a nurse Josh could have very well been a single dad. But I had great nurses who knew what they were doing and didn't waste any time! Laura and AnnaJannet were amazing and I am so grateful to them!
One of my new years goals was met and I was able to deliver my baby 100% natural. It was such a powerful and rewarding experience and truly was the best gift I could ever give my baby. She is alert and was able to not have the drugs in her. Is going natural for everyone, nope, but I sure would recommend it to anyone, because of the amazing experience it allowed me and my baby to share. It was hard work, but it really wasn't painful! People all around the world look at birth as an honor and blessing. But in the US we are taught to be very afraid of child birth through movies and past experiences, and the cycle just continues. Birth is truly a natural and wonderful process that our bodies are meant to do. I loved it and couldn't be more happy with my decision to go natural and feel all the wonderful pressure waves that brought my baby into this world!
Enough words here are some pics of our little Angel

Finally getting some rest after a long morning!

Time to Look at Mom :)

Yep thats her looking at dad taking a pic! Such a poser

Her one hand is always up by her face! Too cute!

Time to Come Home

Loves Car rides! She won't fall asleep but just look and stare at everything! (Yep that is my baby at 3 days old)


Lindsey said...

I am so proud of you for doing it naturally!! I have ALWAYS been pro-natural child birth!! Everyone did it that way 100 years ago, so why can't we?

I am so glad you were able to recognize something wasn't right before it was too late!! That is just too scary!!

Chloe is a doll, and I can't wait to meet her!! Let me know if you need anything. Remember, I am a great babysitter :), and very qualified :).

Suzi Q said...

Holy Cow! What a story! She is BEAUTIFUL! Nice work you guys! So fun!!!

Elizabeth Strong said...

She is so cute!

The placenta thing is totally freaky.. My sister in law is a nurse. I told her about that and she asked if the doctor was a new one? You guys should sue or something. How freaky.

tawny said...

Your story made my cooch hurt!!! -especially the placenta part- I'm sorry your doctor is dumb and almost killed you!! You should sue that doctor! We love the pics of your baby, she is so cute! We can't wait to see her--keep your weekend free because we are coming over. I'll call you... Love you! Good job!
-Love Tawny

Tim and Stephanie said...

She is so beautiful! She looks so much like both of you, I think!Congrats to you both!
Child birth is an awesome thing. I'm so glad it all turned out, that is scary!

Kellie said...

Congratulations! She is a doll, and I cant believe that you did it natural. I would like to think that I could do that, but I think I would chicken out. I cant wait to see more cute pics.

Katrina said...

she is so adorable and look at you being such a awesome woman. I have to say that you have one up on me. I am glad that everything went okay even though it was scary for a little bit there. Congrats!


I am so're such a strong person that it doesn't surprise me though. : ) I am so glad you are ok and that she is here!! : )