This past weekend Josh and I finished all the little things we needed to do in order to get ready for Chloe to get here! We feel like we are as prepared as you can be... I'm sure there are things we are forgetting but we will just tackle those as they come along :) Yes the "Go To" bags are packed and ready - If you watch the Office you will know what I am talking about (LOL)
If you have any ideas that would be good for us new parents to prepare for please pass them along!
The reason we decided to finish up on things was because at my appointment last Thursday, I was already effaced to 75% and dilated to a 2 :) Doctor Irion was really surprised, but I have always thought this little girl was going to be impatient just like her mom!
So here is Chloe's Bedding and Letters for her name that I finally finished! I will have to say that I am quite pleased with how they turned out, considering that I have no artistic ability what so ever... (sorry the pics turned out a little light)
Here is the only Pic that I was able to get from my Family shower, the food was amazing! My mother in law really put together quite the spread! It was a great time had by all, I just wish that I was able to get more pics taken... Everyone showed up and the camera got lost :( We were super spoiled and I feel so blessed to have such supportive families and friends (Lampson's, Mills, Bennions & and Friends) Thank you everyone
Her room is so adorable and proof that you really are artistic! I am so excited for you!
Her name turned out so stinkin cute!! I love it!!
How DARLING! I love it!
If you're baby comes early and/or you go into labor by yourself i'll be dry-heaving for a week.;) seriously though...
That's so good you are prepared early and ready to, or else you'd be like me and still finishing my nursery at 6 months old. I swear to be prepared EARLY for the next one! Everything looks so darling!! I'm way excited for you!
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