Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun in the Semi Sun

Here are some pics from our boating up at Jordanelle! 
The mills family went up to Jordanelle for a fun little boating trip and came back with some good suntans and some fun memories! 
Just a little side note, everywhere you went you could find about 50 million earwigs! We hung all our swim suits up to dry the first night and that next morning everyone had at least 10 trying to create a home out of their swim stuff... Everyones except mine, mine had around 25!!! Really kinda gross but made for a really good laugh!

Getting ready to go out! (Andrew, Jordan, and Me)
Mak and Chelsie on the Tube of death! Not a good tube on the butt...
Jordan getting his Wakeboard on...
My Sister Mak

ME! That water wasn't water it was glass!

Totally ate it! I tried to stop my self with my hand... but that didn't work out too well!
Pink Toes
Josh Gettin' some air while getting the 180 in the air!
Josh doing his thing!
Even Dad got up on the Wakeboard.. and then back down again!
Rod and Kelc on the Tube (not the tube of death)
Kelc and Mom
And of course a picture of the 4 Runner!!!


Krystal said...

how fun!! and I love your toes :)

Tawny said...

good for you guys, i didn't know you were such wake boarding peps! :) I SUCK at wake boarding. And em, your swim suit is way hot. :)