Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fun and more Fun!

This past weekend Josh and I were able to hang out with our Friends Justin and Tawny. They came over to our house and we ate dinner, I made Dinner in a Pumpkin, then we each carved our pumpkins and played games into the late hours of the night!

We were all amazed that each pumpkin looked so much different and had its own personality :) They are such good friends to drive so far to see us! We love them and can't wait to hang out with them again soon!
Left to right: Justin's, Tawny's, Emily's and Josh's

On Sunday we went to see Josh's family and while I was showing them our Pumpkin Pictures I took a few pics of them. Here is Rodney and Kelcie :)

Here is My Sister Mac (See Mom's cool lighting in the background)

And here are the boys

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