This is a hubby Tag...
What is his name? Joshua Robert Mills
How long have you been together? Well I have been friends with Josh since we were 8 years old, so that is about 15 years, but we have only been together since December of 2006
How long did you date? We dated for 10 months before we were married in October of 2007
How old is he? 23
Who eats more? Josh eats way more! He always ends up eating double of whatever I make, or whenever we go out, or if we eat at my moms house :) He loves his food, and he has a super fast metabolism and can do it :) He is so HOT
Who said I love you first? He did...
Who is taller? Definitely Josh, He is 6 feet and I am almost 5'4"
Who can sing better? We both can sing and carry a tune and we love to sing when we are in the car :) But I honestly think Josh is an amazing singer and should use his talent more, but he won't.
Who is smarter? It just depends on the situation. We both have our areas of expertise! Josh is so logical and can learn just about anything. I have lots of street smarts and common knowledge that I have acquired along the way! We both have strengths to help balance each other out :)
Who does the laundry? That would be me for sure :)
Who pays the bills? Josh is so good about this and keeps things in order so well, so I let him take care of that and he lets me know what is going on.
Who sleeps on the right side? Joshua
Who mows the lawn? Josh and if you ask him about his new lawn mower he can talk about it for hours. It's his new pride and joy. I am so glad that Josh can get so excited over something that is so productive!
Who cooks dinner? That would be me again, and I love to do it!
Who drives? Josh its just better that way for both of us
Who is more stubborn? Probably me, Josh is so patient and understanding!
Who kissed who first? Josh was for sure the one to do this! If you are Josh's friend I am sure you know him as the kissing King! It was the summer before Josh left on his mission and before I went down to college. We were out talking in front of my house when all of a sudden he got really close to me and trapped me between him and his car! At first I couldn't believe I was kissing Josh Mills my friend I have known my whole life so after the weird factor left I realized WOW he really is an amazing kisser!
Who proposed? Josh did. We had planned a Saturday to head down to St. George to go hiking. Well we had hiked all the way up to one of the highest peaks when I asked Josh if he would get me a drink out of the pack I had been packing around with all day long, when he came out from behind me and asked if I wanted to be his wife. I was in shock not just because Josh asked me to marry him but also because it was me who was carrying the ring around all day long! He is so sneaky! I was so happy I could barely make it back down the mountain! SEE PICTURE FOR THE PLACE AND DAY WHERE IT HAPPENED!
Who has more friends? Josh has a lot that he still talks with, but I am so happy that almost all of his friends have now become my friends too! We are pretty even I think!
Who is more sensitive? ME, not one of my better qualities
Who has more siblings? Josh for sure! I am an only child, Josh has 4 Brothers and 3 Sisters.
Who wears the pants? Probably Josh, he is a really good leader (even if he won't admit it) and he has lots of good ideas. But We always discuss things first and make sure that its ok with both of us!
That was fun! Try to reply if you can!
geez, you'd think i have nothing to do but blog...
but i like your layout! it looks super cute! and i'm glad you filled out the hubby tag. it's fun to hear little unknown details about the boys even though i've known josh for ever.
I am so glad you are blogging now it is so good to hear what is going on with everyone. I loved that you called josh the kissing king because it really is true.lol
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